On Sun, Sep 12, 2004 at 04:40:16PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > A note should be added to some README files to tell users that setting
> > altwin:super_win is a good idea if they want to map Super to their Win
> > keys, so I clone this bug instead of simply reassigning it to capplets.
> Here it is.
> XSF guys, can I commit this patch into the FAQ?
> Denis

On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 12:59:14AM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> Here is a patch so that GNOME (and maybe other?) keyboard switchers do
> not call erroneous altwin:meta_super and altwin:meta_hyper options.
> Can I commit it?
> Denis


I am slowly, slowly getting caught up on mail to this list that has
accumulated since just before my vacation in early September.  I realize
you went ahead with these commits, so let me just make a general statement:

Please feel free to commit what you like to the trunk.  You have shown good
judgement so far, and if that should change, Fabio and/or I will yell about
it.  :)

The guidelines for the scope of changes are documented in
<URL: http://necrotic.deadbeast.net/xsf/XFree86/README.txt >.  You seem to
be abiding by them fine.  Just keep in mind that the package release
manager (currently Fabio, but might be me for the next release since he is
moving) has final discretion on what gets merged from the trunk to the
release branch.

Thank you so much for giving attention to these XKB (and other i18n/l10n)
issues that I don't understand as well as I'd like.

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |           //     // //  /     /
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |           EI 'AANIIGOO 'AHOOT'E
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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