On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 08:07:22PM -0400, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
> I tried these new configuration files today, but I had a lot of
> problems with them and didn't really get anywhere.  I'll look again
> this weekend in hopes of being able to provide some useful feedback.
> Even with dpkg -P --force-depends xserver-xfree86, the get-edid part
> of the config script never seemed to get run.


> Also, several things that used to have defaults (I forget the exact
> questions, but they were keyboard questions whose answers were "xfree86",
> "pc104", and "us") didn't forcing me to actually enter something for
> those.  When I got all the way through the questions, the configuration
> blew out because I didn't have an identifier for the monitor.  When I
> restarted with low priority, I was prompted for the video card and
> monitor identifiers without defaults.  In the past, those used to be
> automatically detected.  (Well, at least the monitor was, but the lack of
> autodetection of the video card is probably a discover problem which has
> already been reported.)

Can you send this bug report your config log file again (from after your
clobbering, below)?

> Also, the templates file had fields _Description and _Choices.  I
> clobbered the leading _ to get debconf to not complain and to actually
> display the text.

Oh, whoops.  I should have sent you the po-debconf-generated version.

> Let me know if I should work more with these or whether there will be
> other files to try.  By the way, I'm running 4.3.0.dfsg.1-8 now.  I
> most likely won't have time again before the weekend.
> Just wondering... how are you testing these scripts?  I imagine this
> must be very difficult to test without a wide array of hardware.

I haven't been testing them much; I need to do more.

G. Branden Robinson                |     Men are born ignorant, not stupid.
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     They are made stupid by education.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     -- Bertrand Russell
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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