On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 00:04, Branden Robinson wrote:
> # There is no "cantfix" tag.
> tag 234556 = wontfix
> retitle 216933 libx11-6: many clients get BadLength error from 
> X_ChangeProperty request [Transmeta Crusoe CMS bug]
> retitle 234556 libx11-6: apps crash with 'BadLength (poly request too large 
> or internal Xlib length error)' [Transmeta Crusoe CMS bug]
> retitle 261251 libx11-6: apps crash with 'BadLength (poly request too large 
> or internal Xlib length error)' [Transmeta Crusoe CMS bug]
> thanks

Hum, the bug seems to be still pretty active after all... :-/

One of the "solution" would be to provide a special package with the
Xserver compiled with -O1 in place of -O2 (I think this would be enough,
I have to try it still).

But, this is have more work for Debian and Transmeta is guilty for

> > It might means that we should close the bug.
> Well, no -- no proper workaround is available yet, and won't be until
> Transmeta releases an update that fixes their bug.

Ok, but this might takes for ever... I don't think we have any way to
make them do this. Maybe lobbying a bit would help.

If you have any idea what to do to make them aware of this...

At least we have some clues clearly pointing out the CMS, but I don't
know if it is enough for Transmeta and Sony/Fujitsu to make a fix.

The good news is that it seems that this bug has vanished in the CMS
4.4.x and upper (according to my contact in Transmeta, he tried to
reproduce the bug for long time on these 4.4.x).

So, just an update with the last CMS for the Crusoe would make it.

I think, I will try to contact Transmeta and Sony to ask for a patch.
I'll keep you informed about this.

Thanks anyway for following this bug.

Emmanuel Fleury

Computer Science Department, |  Office: B1-201
Aalborg University,          |  Phone:  +45 96 35 72 23
Fredriks Bajersvej 7E,       |  Fax:    +45 98 15 98 89
9220 Aalborg East, Denmark   |  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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