On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 10:42:06AM +0200, Christian Schlittchen wrote:
> Branden Robinson:
> > What, specifically, do you posit is wrong with the existing code?
> Two issues:
> 1) The daemon itself creates the pid file but does not properly
>    remove it when something goes wrong during startup, in example
>    if it can't start the x-server.
> 2) The daemon itself creates the pid file, but the pid seems to be
>    checked by the init.d script/start-stop-daemon, which is a somewhat
>    unusual und non-intuitive behaviour.
> The problem can be reproduced easily: Do something to make the xdm
> startup at boot fail (maybe because of a wrong setting in XF86Config,
> a not yet recompiled nvidia-driver after a kernel update, ...) then
> try to run xdm from the command line (not via the init script, but
> directly).
> Imho the clean solution is to have the pid file properly removed when
> xdm shuts down for whatever reason, and have xdm check the pid in the
> file itself.

I'd seriously consider applying a patch to xdm to implement the above, if
you're up to it.

G. Branden Robinson                |     There is resilient security in
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     openness, and brittle security in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     secrecy.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Bruce Schneier

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