On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 15:04, Siward de Groot wrote:
> Under dutch law it would be the responsibility of the seller
>   (the shop where you bought it) to sell good quality products,
>   and if they do not, then you can prosecute them to get your rights.

The problem is that the seller will complain to Sony which will complain
to Transmeta. It can take forever. I just took a short-cut.

But, you are definitely right about something.

I don't know who's legal responsibility this bug is... 
but I assumed that neither the Sony people. 

> The seller can not reasonably be expected to provide firmware updates
>   if Transmeta doesnt create these,
>   he does however have the possibility to exchange the laptop with one
>   that does not have this brokenness (probably a more modern one).

I'm not sure, I want another laptop... Mine is really good and the ones
that they are selling now are not really fitting to me like this one is.

> This is dutch law ; however, it also seems reasonable,
>   so i would not be surprised if the country of purchase had similar laws.
> Maybe debian-legal would be interested in this problem.

This would be really interesting. I don't really know what to do with
this CMS firmware locked down in the machine with this encryption

> > My first error was to claim that I had a problem with Linux and not with
> > Windows XP.
> No, you did it right.

Then, what I did wrong was to ask people to lie about it, as you say
later. :-/

> > 2) Complain about a bug _in_Windows_XP_
> You are asking them to become liars.

Yes, sorry. I though it was a good idea. You're very likely right.

> Also, if the bug is in xp, then clearly it is not responsibility of sony.
> They are uncooperative, so it is not easy to get your right.
> I think it would be smart to see how strong your legal position is.
> If you can not get results through the judicial system
>   (whether by warning of possibility to sue or by actually sueing),
>   then it would be right to warn fellow transmeta fans to
>   not buy this transmeta/sony machine because it is buggy.

Hum, I would prefer to not be that extreme... :-/

Actually, this advertising just brought me some feed-back from a guy in
a company which is selling thin clients running with a dual boot Windows
XP and Linux (see:

He does encounter the exact same problem with the X server.

Maybe, this will force Transmeta to admit that there is a serious bug
here and make them delivering a patch...

I mean, how long can they try to pretend there is no bug ?

> If you let yourself be railroaded into more lies,
>   it can only harm your case, in my opinion.

And I think you're right about it.

>   but as i understand it even transmeta doesnt exactly know where the bug is. 

In a matter of fact, the CMS 4.4 and 4.5 seems to be exempted of this
bug (even if they don't know exactly where is the bug causing this crash
of X). So, an update of the CMS should be enough to fix the bug.

> Plus that they don't want to spend very much money on supporting an old chip; 

Well, as I told you before some companies are still saling products with
this CMS.

>   it might be cheaper for them to
>   supply all people experiencing this bug with a new laptop.

This, I don't know.

My guess is that paying somebody to make a working patch to update the
CMS should be cheaper than offering to replace all the hardware to all
the owners of hardware with CMS 4.3.x that request it.

Emmanuel Fleury

Computer Science Department, |  Office: B1-201
Aalborg University,          |  Phone:  +45 96 35 72 23
Fredriks Bajersvej 7E,       |  Fax:    +45 98 15 98 89
9220 Aalborg East, Denmark   |  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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