Package: XFree86
Version: (Debian 4.3.0.dfsg.1-8 20040928112350)

kernel: 2.4.27-1-386 #1 Fri Sep 3 06:24:46

last update - today, 9PM.

Since a recent update of Sarge (from a few days ago) I have observed that
the letter 'q' is randomly inserted into the text when I am typing within
XFree86.  It does not happen in console mode.  It is not restricted to any
one application.  I have attempted to adjust keyboard settings to make it
stop.  Accessibility features are disabled.  Certain keystroke combinations
(like typing the word 'back' very quickly) can make it happen almost
repeatedly, though the insert position of the 'q' seems to vary.  Again,
this does NOT happen in console mode, only while running XFree86.

I have reproduced this problem typing within the 'URL' window in Firefox,
while typing commands in xterm, and while typing text in xchat.

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