On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 08:45, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-01-01 at 23:48, Kristian Kvilekval wrote: 
> > I am trying to use the latest kernel, but have noticed
> > some changes in the X environment.   Simple text output
> > has become CPU intensive.    For example, 
> > "ps aux" in a gnome-terminal can force the X server
> > process into 70% CPU usage as monitored by top.  The
> > output is bursty and can slow to a crawl sometimes.
> Has Sean's suggestion about the X server nice level helped?

I had tried renicing the Xfree server to 0, with little
effect.   I can still get text output to eat up 60% cpu 
at times.

> See also
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2003/debian-powerpc-200312/msg00144.html
>  and http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109753 .

Thanks for the pointers, the first describes something similar to what I
am seeing, however the discussion diverts simply to using enabling
bitmapped fonts.  The second suggests disabling anti-aliasing.

Unfortunately, I am using fixed font in the terminal and have 
disabled all hinting and smoothing in gnome.  

The behavior is definitely that I see fast output mixed
with very slow and CPU intensive.  I guess this points to
scheduler problems.

> It seems that the kernel scheduler (related to the interactivity
> tuning?) and/or some X clients behave suboptimally.

Seems strange that it would be most noticeable for text output. 
I wouldn't suspect there would be anything particular about
the path for outputing text.  

I guess I will try disabling the new schedulers and see if that
has an effect.

Kristian G. Kvilekval
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] office:(805)893-4276 http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~kris

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