On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 06:55:04AM +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:19:54PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Please show me (er, well, mail this bug) the output of the misbehaving
> > dpkg-reconfigure command after doing this:
> > 
> > # export DEBUG_XFREE86_PACKAGE=yes
> polya2:~ # export DEBUG_XFREE86_PACKAGE=yes
> polya2:~ # dpkg-reconfigure xdm
> debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
> debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell 
> buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
> debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
>  System startup links for /etc/init.d/xdm already exist.
> polya2:~ # 
> Not so much info there, I'm afraid :-(


All right, show me *this*:

/usr/share/debconf/frontend sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdm.config reconfigure

G. Branden Robinson                |    Lowery's Law:
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    If it jams -- force it.  If it
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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