On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 06:10:51PM -0600, Warren Turkal wrote:
> Branden Robinson wrote:
> > That too.  :)  I also wanted to make it possible to reference any
> > manual section from within a manual page without hard-coding the section
> > numbers.
> You wanted the section not to be dependent on the suffix? Is that correct?

No, I mean that I want manpages to be able to say:

X(__mansuffix__), sbrk(__ossyscallmansuffix__),
malloc(__oslibmansuffix__), mouse(__osdrivermansuffix__),
mouse(__drivermansuffix__), hosts(__osfilemansuffix__),

...and so forth.

> > Because I never submitted them.
> May I submit them. I doubt DD will accept them, but I would like to try.

Sure.  You may want to improve the description of the patch now that I
have bothered to explain it.  :)

> > If you need imake, you B-D on the package that contains it.
> > 
> > $ dpkg -S bin/imake
> > xutils: /usr/X11R6/bin/imake
> I figured that out after the message. Oops :-)


> > $ % grep-dctrl -F Build-Depends,Build-Depends-Indep -s Package xutils
> > /var/lib/apt/lists/http.us.debian.org_debian_dists_unstable_main_source_Sources
> > |wc -l 271
> >
> > Perhaps not all of those build-depend on imake (there are other things
> > in xutils), but I'll bet you most of them do.
> Maybe imake should be split into its own package so that this can be more
> easily tracked?

I don't think that is sufficient reason to split a package.  XFree86
already produces a dizzying number of binary packages.  I'm open to
other arguments why splitting imake might be a good idea, though.

> > I disagree with your premise and your conclusion.
> That is probably more sane than me :-). I was trying to make patches smaller
> for the 4.4 cycle. Thanks for discussing this with me.

Making patches smaller/more sane/etc. is good and valuable work, and I
appreciate your efforts to make the 4.4 cycle less user-angering than
4.3's has been.  However, we must take care not to throw out the baby with
the bathwater.  :)

G. Branden Robinson                |    Men use thought only to justify
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    their wrong doings, and speech only
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    to conceal their thoughts.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Voltaire

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