tag 229566 + help

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 11:43:39AM -0000, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> | XTerm*eightBitInput:   true
> >> | *VT100*eightBitInput: true
> >>=20
> >> somwehre in ~/.Xresources. Unfortunately, this breaks an application I
> >> have to work with for my company.
> > Hmm.  I am not sure why setting eightBitInput would rectify an EINVAL
> > error attempting to open a device in /dev/pts.
> I noticed in the original report that this is for the powerpc.
> There're occasional odd reports that make me suspect there's a compiler
> bug (or some platform-dependent bug in the termio/termios code).
> I can't reproduce this on my Intel box (and don't think I could test
> it remotely - firewall & proxy issues).

Don Armstrong and I both have PowerPC machines, but he experiences the
problem, and I don't.

I prepared an unstripped, unoptimized, trace-enabled xterm binary for
PowerPC and Don and I each produced xterm Traces and system call

Hopefully these will be of some use in tracking down the bug.

My logs, and "xterm-traceable" binary:


Don's logs:


Please let me know if there's anything more I can do to help.

G. Branden Robinson                |     The Rehnquist Court has never
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     encountered a criminal statute it
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     did not like.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- John Dean

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