On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 10:48:09PM -0500, X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin 
> +* package the driver SDK.
> +  + being worked on in people/daniel.

Given I can't commit, and didn't work on it for ages before I got kicked
out, this is kind of (very) misleading.

> +Probably for 4.4.0
> +==================
> +* Split xbase-clients.  xbase-clients should be broken into functional
> +  groups probably mostly determined by library dependencies; xauth, the
> +  Athena clients, and libGL-linked clients are all good candidates for
> +  splitting)

And my TODO:
  * Package freedesktop.org X libraries (~50% done in my repo).
  * Package fonts/docs externally.
  * Assess best layout for programs (e.g. TWM, most of xbase-clients) -
    whether they should be a separate xfree86-programs tarball, or
    separate in their own right; also, use fd.o/other upstream for
    programs not from XFree86/not actively maintained there anymore.
  * Start migration to Mesa 5 (the one from Mesa themselves, not this
    xlibmesa crap).
  * Server-only build of XFree86, eliminating the stupidly big and scary

Daniel Stone                                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debian.org

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