Saw this baby in unstable, hence removed my experimental line from
sources.list.  An aptitude upgrade followed by aptitude upgrade showed
quite a few packages to upgrade:

The following packages will be upgraded:
  acpid apt apt-utils aptitude armagetron armagetron-common aspell 
  aspell-bin base-config console-common console-data console-tools cpp 
  cpp-3.3 cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client cupsys-driver-gimpprint cvs 
  debconf debconf-i18n debconf-utils debhelper debootstrap 
  dictionaries-common easytag ethereal ethereal-common fam fontconfig
  g++-3.3 gcc gcc-3.3 gcc-3.3-base gettext gettext-base gift giftd
  gnuserv grep-dctrl grepmail gs-esp gstreamer-gconf hdparm iamerican 
  intltool-debian ispell jpilot jpilot-plugins kernel-package lg-base 
  libaspell15 libaudio2 libconsole libcupsimage2 libcupsys2 libdps1 
  libeel2-2 libeel2-data libfam0c102 libfltk1.1c102 libfontconfig1 
  libfontconfig1-dev libgcc1 libgift0 libgiftproto0 libgii0 
  libgii0-target-x libgimpprint1 libgnomeprint2.2-0
  libgnutella-gift libgphoto2-2 libgphoto2-port0 libgtop2 libimlib2 
  liblcms1 libldap2 libmetacity0 libmusicbrainz2 libmysqlclient12 
  libnewt0.51 libobjc1 libperl5.8 libpisock++0 libpisock8 libruby1.8 
  libsmbclient libsndfile1 libsndfile1-dev libstdc++5 libstdc++5-3.3-dev 
  libusb-0.1-4 libxaw6 libxaw7 libxml-parser-perl libxml2 libxml2-dev 
  libxmltv-perl lynx make man-db manpages mime-codecs mime-support 
  mplayer-mozilla mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server mythtv-doc nano 
  nautilus-data ncftp netbase 
  perl perl-base perl-doc perl-modules pilot-link po-debconf procps 
  reportbug samba samba-common samba-doc smbclient smbfs ssh tar 
  tuxracer-data ucf vcdimager vim vim-gtk wget whiptail whois wmclockmon 
  xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfree86-common xmltv-util
  xplanet-images xserver-common xserver-xfree86 xterm xutils zinf zlib1g 

I left it on it's own, and came back later.  Every package installed ok
except xserver-xfree86.  I get a debconf window with yes / no option,
but no question.  I hit no, figuring that doing nothing is best.  :)  In
the terminal, I have:
Preparing to replace xserver-xfree86 4.3.0-0ds2.0.0woody2 (using
.../xserver-xfree86_4.3.0-2_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement xserver-xfree86 ...
dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xfree86_4.3.0-2_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/X11R6/bin/gtf', which is also in package
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
debconf: Unknown template field '_description', in stanza #1 of

So I guess that it's dist-upgrade time, as this file must have changed
packages.  Problem is, if I do an aptitude dist-upgrade, it wants to
install loads of bloat - including all of gnome?  Why is this?  Surely
nothing recommends all of gnome...  Can anyone give me a pointer?


PS If replying only to debian-x, I'd appreciate a CC.

Please don't CC me.  Also _please_ read the following before posting:
Documentation -
Install manual (i386) -

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