On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 03:35:50AM -0500, Russell Neches wrote:
> Clearly, XFree86 is a bit more complicated. Nevertheless, shouldn't we
> be talking about how to work with the XFree86 Project to resolve the
> issues (whatever they are), instead of talking about forking the whole
> project? Or is forking/re-implementing/replacing XFree86 the hot new
> thing?

This sounds reasonable, but the whole issue is plagued by year long
personal relationship problems, and power play over the actual control
of the XFree86 project. I am only a minor contributor to XFree86, and
have missed most of it, but then, it seems to me that all players in
this have severly misbehaved in the past, and that these tensions and
problems are resulting in the problems we are seing. The licence change
is only the tip of the iceberg, and probably a not so clever move on the
XFree86 part. This is probably this whole stuff is not really making
sense to the non-initiated observers.


Sven Luther

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