On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 12:42:09PM +0100, David Martínez Moreno wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> El Jueves, 26 de Febrero de 2004 19:30, Branden Robinson escribió:
> > On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:00:14AM +0100, David Martínez Moreno wrote:
> > >   Don't worry :-)
> > >
> > >   xlibs now has become a transient package (i.e., a fake package that is
> > > intended to make the transition to the new packages as smooth as
> > > possible).
> >
> > Not quite true.  It is transitional, but it is not "fake", and it *does*
> > contain important files.
>       I *knew* that I should not use that word. :-) I intentionally removed 
> the 
> last sentence from the package description:
> This package also contains configuration data used by the X Keyboard 
> Extension 
> (XKB). Other architecture-independent data used by X libraries can be found 
> in the xlibs-data package.
>       I simply wanted to simplify a little the issue for Erik. Sorry if the 
> over-simplification hide the gory details, but it is what it is intended for.

Well, when *I* hear "fake package", I think "oh, a package I can purge
from the system and suffer no ill effect", which is absolutely *not*
true of xlibs.

However, explanations have to be crafted to suit the audience, and I
can't speak for Erik.

> > xlibs will have to live on dpkg is capable of migrating conffiles from
> > one package to another.  Some users of earlier experimental 4.3.0
> > packages saw what happens when the XKB data migrates; they 60 or 70
> > spurius "changed-conffile" prompts.

Wow, I really wrote that in a hurry.

"live on" should be "live on until", and "they" should be "they get".

>       I definitely do not like this...although you were definitely used to 
> enter 
> your GPG passphrase a couple of times every time you release, eh? ;-)

Yes, but I know what I'm getting in return for that.  60 or 70 spurious
changed-conffile prompts are garbage that no one should have to see.
(Because they're spurious. :) )

> > In my opinion, it is not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination to
> > subject our users to this behavior.
>       I absolutely agree.
> > When dpkg is fixed, the XKB data can move to xlibs-data, and xlibs-data
> > can Pre-Depend (I think) on dpkg (>= whatever-version-fixed-it).
>       Who is actually maintaining dpkg?
>       No, rephrase that: Is anyone actively maintaining dpkg?
>       Last time doogie seemed too busy.

Adam Heath (doogie) is still the maintainer as far as I know.  He
periodically has other things to work on, but I think he's been asked
not to go too hog-wild with dpkg until sarge releases.  Now is not the
time to be making large changes to our package manager, at least not for
release to unstable.  (And possibly not for release anywhere, as some
reckless package maintainers will grab it and upload packages built with
it to unstable, or even stable-proposed-updates.  This sort of thing
tends to cause a lot of needless grief.)

G. Branden Robinson                |    A committee is a life form with six
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    or more legs and no brain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    -- Robert Heinlein
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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