On Sat, Feb 28, 2004 at 04:33:28PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> I cannot get 4.3.0-3 built on this machine in this state, so I would
> like a volunteer (a Debian Developer, for accountability purposes) to
> build the XFree86 trunk in SVN, revision 1115, and test the resulting
> packages.

I'm currently building 1115 for x86 in a pbuilder chroot, mainly so I
can make sure the DRI problems are gone.

> Unless you happen to build on powerpc I will be unable to test the
> packages myself, so I will rely on you to do the testing.  I will sign
> and upload the packages on your testimony that they test all right.

I'll try to get them to a few other people too. (Don't worry, I won't
pull a DanielS)

> Please build in a clean sid chroot, and mail the debian-x list when the
> packages are ready.

I have just started the build. We'll see what happens. Cheers!

Joshua Kwan

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