On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 04:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ------------------  Virus Warning Message (on the network)
> Found virus WORM_BAGLE.J in file MoreInfo.pif
> The file MoreInfo.pif is moved to /var/spool/quarantine/virCLMAqKXVc.
> This is a machine-generated message, please do not reply via 
> email. If you have questions, please contact the Lucent Help 
> Desk at +1 888 300 0770.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Dear user of "Debian.org" mailing  system,
> Your e-mail account will be disabled because of improper using in  next
> three  days, if  you  are still wishing  to use it, please, resign your
> account information.
> Please,  read the attach for further details.
> Sincerely,
>     The Debian.org team                                http://www.debian.org
> ______________________________________________________________________
> ------------------  Virus Warning Message (on the network)
> MoreInfo.pif is removed from here because it contains a virus.
> ---------------------------------------------------------

That's a clever bit of newbie-oriented social engineering.  Too 
bad there are grammatical mistakes.

Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA

If 1/2 of all US marriages end in divorce, and there are a good
number of 3rd, 4th, etc marriages, then more than 1/2 of all 1st
marriages will be permanent.

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