On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 13:18:08 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Bug Tracking 
System) wrote:
> > Unfortunately I can no longer reproduce this problem.  When I upgraded
> > again to 4.3.0-3 to get the extra information requested by Christian,
> > dual head worked just fine.  I don't understand what the difference is
> > since nothing else has changed (other than any libraries upgraded in
> > between).   Both me and someone fairly knowledgeable on Debian
> > restarted the server several times when the problem occured and tried
> > several XF86Config-4 changes to no avail.  The only thing that comes
> > to mind is that this machine gets rebooted to Windows 98 occasionally
> > and perhaps the card was left in some strange state after I booted
> > back into Linux.  I did boot back into Windows 98 yesterday and today
> > things are working again.=20
> >=20
> > In any case sorry for wasting everyone's time on this.
> No problem; it's good to have this information archived (both in the BTS
> and on our mailing list), as it may prove useful to others in the
> future.
> Closing as unreproducible per submitter.

That figures (I really hate that Murphy guy) ;-).  
Just before I actually run into the problem again
and submitted more information and a workaround. 

You may want to reopen with a lower priority (since I can just power
off after whatever happened when I upgrade) and I'm available for any
testing (assuming I can get it to happen again :-( ) if you need it.


C. Miguel Marques, Development Services, Computing and Network Services, York 
e-mail: miguel at, voice: (416)736-2100x22684, fax: (416)736-5830

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