On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 12:28:05PM +0000, Steve Moeckel wrote:
> Branden Robinson <branden <at> debian.org> writes:
> >> enkill:# evolution
> >> evolution: relocation error: /usr/lib/libXft.so.2: undefined symbol:
> >> XRenderQuerySubpixelOrder
> Same here with kdm and kwin.
> Yesterday installed Debian. First installed with stable Boot-CDs then
> upgraded with apt to testing in this Chronology:
> - Base System install from stable BootCD
> - Reboot
> - When the installer asks for running tasksel, i switched to another
>   console and replaced stable with testing, running apt-get update
> - running tasksel, selectet X-Windows System an C/C++ Devel
> - apt-get dist upgrade
> - installed many other things, but only from offical debian mirror
>   (tu-bs.de)
> But there are many other strange things with X installation.
> Some packages were not unpacked properly, so xlibs and 
> xfree86-common. All directorys below /etc/X11/xkb were empty and
> /etc/X11/rgb.txt is missing. I unpacked this packages in / and all is
> at his place. I dont have seen any error message while apting these
> packages, but i was away to cook some coffee and it maybe they light
> up this time.

Sounds like conffiles that got deleted somehow.  From your description,
it's impossible for me to imagine how, but I've tested upgrades from
woody to sarge and did not see this problem.

In the future, the "--force-confmiss" option to dpkg might be a better
way to rectify this.

> Versions:
> ii  xlibs          4.2.1-12.1
> ii  xlibs-dev      4.2.1-12.1
> ii  xlibs-pic      4.2.1-12.1
> ii  xfree86-common 4.2.1-12.1
> ii  libxrender-dev 0.8.3-5
> ii  libxrender1    0.8.3-5

Can you tell us about the installed versions of libxft2, libxft-dev, and

G. Branden Robinson                |      Never underestimate the power of
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      human stupidity.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      -- Robert Heinlein
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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