tags 238407 patch

I'm currently "testing"[1] the attached patch, which seems to be clear of
the licensing issues affecting X, but regardless, it's extreemly

I will update with results shortly.

Don Armstrong

1: Which seems to amount to running X until it crashes, since I
haven't been able to reliably trigger the core...
"Ban cryptography! Yes. Let's also ban pencils, pens and paper, since
criminals can use them to draw plans of the joint they are casing or
even, god forbid, create one time pads to pass uncrackable codes to
each other. Ban open spaces since criminals could use them to converse
with each other out of earshot of the police. Let's ban flags since
they could be used to pass secret messages in semaphore. In fact let's
just ban all forms of verbal and non-verbal communication -- let's see
those criminals make plans now!"


Patch stolen from 

--- xc/programs/Xserver/dix/events.c    2004/01/12 17:04:52     3.51
+++ xc/programs/Xserver/dix/events.c    2004/01/23 07:23:34     3.52
@@ -991,7 +991,8 @@
 #ifdef XKB
     /* Fix for key repeating bug. */
-    if (xE->u.u.type == KeyRelease)
+    if (device->key != NULL && device->key->xkbInfo != NULL && 
+       xE->u.u.type == KeyRelease)
        AccessXCancelRepeatKey(device->key->xkbInfo, xE->u.u.detail);

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