Around 11 o'clock on Apr 3, Andreas Schuldei wrote:

> As i see it X differs mostly from apache in this regard: it is a
> bitch because of the hardware. i would like to see the
> machinepark and logistics to be able to compile and test all the
> patches.

It's precisely like the kernel in this regard; and the worst part of the 
kernel is always the device drivers because so few people can test each 

Fixes which affect only one video driver should be subject to 
significantly less scrutiny than fixes which affect libraries or the core 
X server itself.  Of course, letting those drivers be released on an 
hourly basis would make this a lot less painful.

Oh, ATI is working on building a sufficient infrastructure to test their 
cards.  They do support the open source drivers, so it's quite reasonable 
to get their help in testing new releases for those chips.

Any of you are also welcome to fix bugs upstream as soon as Debian 
migrates away from XFree86 4.3; I'm hoping that the combined efforts of 
SuSE, Debian and Red Hat will slowly whittle down the steaming pile of 
bugs which has accumulated over the years.


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