On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 12:32:35AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> (sorry if this message break the threads but i deleted the original one
> for a mistake)
> On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 04:29:32 -0500, Branden Robison wrote:
> > I've publicly asked for volunteers to manage releases to unstable now
> > that 4.3.0 is there.  The time is even more ripe now that it's in
> > testing as well.
> > I hereby renew the call.
> I would like to give it a shot or two. TBH I am kinda searching some
> motivations to do more work in Debian and perhaps this is an opportunity.

Okay.  Daniel supports you, Michel supports you, I support you, and no
one else has said anything.

By unanimous consent of those who had the energy to grunt, the role is
yours.  :)

As I conceive it, this means that branches/4.3.0/sid in SVN is basically
your stomping ground.

To summarize an IRC discussion we had:

1) Changes should be made on the trunk, and *merged* onto
2) Any committer can merge a change from trunk to branches/4.3.0/sid,
   *BUT* the commit message needs to indicate who tested the change set
   (and on what hardware, if applicable).
3) The release manager has the right to unmerge any change as unsuitable
   for release.
4) The release manager should decide on release goals.  To do this, I
   suggest using the debian/TODO file; create a header for 4.3.0-8 and
   stick whatever items in it you think need to be done.  However, if
   you have a better idea for documenting the release goals, go for it.

Hopefully I got that right.  If you recollect differently, please
correct me.

Over the next couple of days, I'll try and provide some examples of 1)
and 2) with some of the several changes pending on the trunk.  You can
provide the example of 4), and of 3) if you really need to.  :)

Let's use this thread for discussion of any general release-management

G. Branden Robinson                |     I don't care if it has a GUI, or
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     command line, or is carved in mud
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     with a sharp spoon.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Barry Smith

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