>                       Debian Bug report logs - #241717
>       xterm: various colour problems (mouse cursor color, text colours)
>   framebuffer:  #0000aa (standard vga actually, and real vt100 AFAICR)
>   gnome-terminal#0000aa
>   Eterm:        #0000cc
>   rxvt:         #0000cd
>   mlterm:       #0000e6
>   pterm:        #0000eb
>   konsole:      #1818b2 (quite different, but still mostly the same blue)
>   xterm-debian: #1e90ff (drastically different colour, especially
>                          with regards to contrast)

Just for the record, I put up a screen dump showing xterm (with blue,
DodgerBlue and blue2 background in the left column), and rxvt, gnome-terminal
and konsole.  As will be noted, gnome-terminal's appearance is wholly unlike
the others, konsole is noticably darker (less legible than rxvt).  rxvt
coincidentally matches old-xterm colors.  Since the latter three are all
"standard", yet different, there's no point made, since the same arguments ad
nauseum can also be made against using blue2.  See


p.s: vt102 "advanced video option" refers to support for scrolling - it helps
to know what you're talking about if you choose to argue.
Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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