On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Thomas Dickey wrote:

> MidnightCommander often is using slang, which has some odd locale behavior.
Well - I guess it is just #242194 and has nothing to do with our problem.
It would just be the reason to switch back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and leave the
UTF-8 issue for the time when mc is fixed.  (I'm adictive since my first
DOS days ... ;-) ).

> But ssh's locale issues I'm not sure of - haven't seen any comments.
This happened after ssh-ing from my home box after setting [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to a box which hat the setting [EMAIL PROTECTED]  May be I should try master
or people to reduce the unknown part for you to my box at home which has
the problem.

At work I leave my X session normally open but I tried to verify the problem
here.  As I said, I observed the trouble after upgrading gdm at home. Here
at work gmd was upgraded as well but not restarted (because of the open
X session).  Now I tried it and all works fine.  I now copied

     /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm   (which does not set any utf8 stuff)

and will compare it with the files at home.  If you know other relevant files
please tell me.

Kind regards


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