On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 02:58:38PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > > > > > 2) Disable GPM and reconfigure XFree86 to talk directly to 
> > > > > > /dev/psaux or
> > > > > > whatever port GPM was fastened to, and see if that causes the delay 
> > > > > > to
> > > > > > go away.
> > 
> > I had a strange problem when doing this. My mouse didn't work anymore in
> > X. I have no idea why. Anyway, the problem about the 5 second lock was
> > still there.
> So, with gpm completely disabled, the X server was not able to speak to
> your mouse?

Yes, that was the case. Sorry I can't test it anymore since I have
another, bigger problem with X now (see #246663).

> > > > I see you're repeating as "imps2".  The following item was recently
> > > > added to the xfree86 package NEWS.Debian file, and will appear in the
> > > > next release.  Can you please try out its advice?
> > > 
> > > Hmm, strange, I have apt-listchanges installed and never saw the notice.
> > > Maybe I just looked over it.
> > 
> > The same goes for me. I also have apt-listchanges installed but didn't
> > see the news item.
> Do you see it now?
> $ zcat /usr/share/doc/xserver-xfree86/NEWS.Debian.gz | pager

Yes, there it is. I saw it one day or two after I wrote this mail. So it
was correctly displayed. I thought it should have been there before.

> In any case, the problem in your bug report has been resolved, right?
> I'd like to close this bug.  If you feel that the mouse "feeling
> differently" warrants a separate bug report, please file one.

Yes, please close the bugreport.

I was working on a case.  It had to be a case, because I couldn't afford a
desk.  Then I saw her.  This tall blond lady.  She must have been tall
because I was on the third floor.  She rolled her deep blue eyes towards
me.  I picked them up and rolled them back.  We kissed.  She screamed.  I
took the cigarette from my mouth and kissed her again.
Marco Herrn              _  ___      o             '       (_)<   _ _
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