Somehow I managed to take a hit off the crack pipe when prepping the XKB
data updates in 4.3.0.dfsg.1-2.

A patch file to fix this is attached.

(Yes, I've tested this fix.)

Here's how to use it.

1) Save the attachment someplace like /tmp.
2) Become root.
3) cd / && patch -p0 < /tmp/unfuck_numlock.diff

Sorry for the fuckup.

Fellow debian-x subscribers, please:

A) Tell everyone who complains about this bug about this workaround.
B) Mail this workaround to the submitters of what is sure to be a few
   dozen mindless duplicate bug reports about this.
C) Downgrade all dupes to severity "important", reassign them to
   "xlibs", and merge them, please.  People who think this is an RC bug
   are hitting the crack pipe even worse than I did, and worse, they're
   doing it on purpose.

I'll do what I can, but I doubt I will be able to keep with the flood.
There's been one hysterical grave bug filed already.

Thanks a lot, and sorry for the screw up.  I'll be fixing this in SVN

G. Branden Robinson                |    No executive devotes much effort to
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    proving himself wrong.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    -- Laurence J. Peter |
--- etc/X11/xkb/types/basic     27 Apr 1994 07:21:51 -0000      1.1
+++ etc/X11/xkb/types/basic     16 Jan 2001 23:00:29 -0000
@@ -1,28 +1,39 @@
-// $XConsortium: basic,v 1.3 94/04/08 16:00:43 erik Exp $
-xkb_types "Common"
+// $Xorg: basic,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:48 cpqbld Exp $
+default xkb_types "basic" {
-virtual_modifiers NumLock;
+    // Fairly standard definitions for
+    // the four required key types
-type "ONE_LEVEL" {
-    modifiers = None;
-    map[None] = Level1;
-    level_name[Level1]= "Any";
+    virtual_modifiers NumLock;
-type "TWO_LEVEL" {
-    modifiers = Shift;
-    map[Shift] = Level2;
-    level_name[Level1] = "Base";
-    level_name[Level2] = "Shift";
+    type "ONE_LEVEL" {
+       modifiers = None;
+       map[None] = Level1;
+       level_name[Level1]= "Any";
+    };
-type "KEYPAD" {
-    modifiers = Shift+NumLock;
-    map[None] = Level1;
-    map[Shift] = Level2;
-    map[NumLock] = Level1;
-    map[Shift+NumLock] = Level2;
-    level_name[Level1] = "Base";
-    level_name[Level2] = "Number";
+    type "TWO_LEVEL" {
+       modifiers = Shift;
+       map[Shift] = Level2;
+       level_name[Level1] = "Base";
+       level_name[Level2] = "Shift";
+    };
+    type "ALPHABETIC" {
+       modifiers = Shift+Lock;
+       map[Shift] = Level2;
+       preserve[Lock]= Lock;
+       level_name[Level1] = "Base";
+       level_name[Level2] = "Caps";
+    };
+    type "KEYPAD" {
+       modifiers = Shift+NumLock;
+       map[None] = Level1;
+       map[Shift] = Level2;
+       map[NumLock] = Level2;
+       map[Shift+NumLock] = Level1;
+       level_name[Level1] = "Base";
+       level_name[Level2] = "Number";
+    };

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