tag 256086 + moreinfo upstream
retitle 256086 xterm: bold characters and font change with VT100*boldMode off

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 06:21:38PM -0500, dircha wrote:
> >>My trace shows me that colorAttrMode is initially off. Also colorBD
> >>(which I assume you meant to set). Setting those, I do get color
> >>for the bold attribute. So you can do that, and it should work.
> >>(The bug is still a bug - I'll fix that).
> >
> > This does what I wanted.
> Going ahead and submitting this to bugs.debian.org against the xterm 
> package.

Uh, can you (or Thomas Dickey) please summarize what the bug is here?

I'm afraid even the bug subject didn't help me much.

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