On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 07:48:08AM -0700, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > reassign 229426 xlibs-data
> Bug#229426: Windows key buggy
> Bug reassigned from package `icewm' to `xlibs-data'.

        "I have the same problems if I upgrade xlibs to version 4.3.0.dfsg.1-5.
        With version 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 all is ready."
        -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bzzt; the original bug was filed in January -- way, way before the modifier
hosage of xlibs 4.3.0.dfsg.1-5 hit the scene (16 June).

If downgrading to 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 fixed it, then this person (Joerg) didn't
follow-up to the correct bug report and the reassignment was in error.

I'll go ahead and tell you now that if you try to tell me the original
submitter "Finity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", obtained a time machine and installed
4.3.0.dfsg.1-5 in January, I'm not going to believe you.

Reassigning back to icewm and awaiting a proper explanation for the
reassignment to xlibs...which you should have included in the first place.

G. Branden Robinson                |    Humor is a rubber sword - it allows
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    you to make a point without drawing
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    blood.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Mary Hirsch

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