reassign 257730 xserver-common
retitle 257730 xserver-common: X server wrapper scrubs environment of 
tag 257730 + moreinfo

On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 02:56:28PM +0200, Jan Gregor wrote:
> Package: xserver-xfree86
> Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
> Severity: normal
> XFree86 unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, so in X is blank.

Well, the X server wrapper is setuid root.  I hope you can appreciate the
grave security implications of letting users redefine the dynamic loader's
search path in the context of a process running with root privileges.

> I also tried to start X with xinit command but with same result. After
> return from X variable is set right.
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH is needed by java to point to directory /usr/lib/jni used
> for non-java libraries such as

Why don't you set up your user session to set the variable how you like?

Please see the Xsession(5x) and xinit(1x) manual pages.

G. Branden Robinson                |       If atheism is a religion, then
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       health is a disease.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       -- Clark Adams |

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