On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 02:48:52PM +0100, Sam Halliday wrote:
> > Try commenting out the XkbOptions line altogether.
> > 
> > For an Apple Pro keyboard, model M7803, and using the following
> > configuration:
> > 
> > XkbRules    xfree86
> > XkbModel    macintosh
> > XkbLayout   us
> > 
> > This puts:
> >     Ctrl_L on the left control key
> >     Alt_L on the left Option/Alt key
> >     Super_L on the left Apple/Command key
> >     Super_R on the right Apple/Command key
> >     Alt_R on the right Option/Alt key
> >     Ctrl_R on the right control key
> yes... but the key marked "alt" on an apple keyboard should actually be 
> "altgr".
> go into MacOS X and see for yourself...
> so it should be:
>       Ctrl_L on the left control key
>       Super_L on the left Option/Alt key
>       Alt_L on the left Apple/Command key
>       Alt_R on the right Apple/Command key
>       Super_R on the right Option/Alt key
>       Ctrl_R on the right control key
> it seems silly to have Debian and MacOS disagree about what the keymapping
> should be.

I think it's sillier for keys to not do what's engraved on them.

I am not opposed to having an XkbOption called "altwin:macosx", for
example, for people who seek Mac OS X compatibility, but I am skeptical
that this should be the default.

G. Branden Robinson                |     Good judgement comes from
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     experience; experience comes from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     bad judgement.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Fred Brooks

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