On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 02:16:00AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 02:13:58AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > > Running startx -- :1 when another session of X is already running will
> > > not hang BTW.
> Something just occurred to me.
> If my guess is right, this will break exactly the same way if you do this:
> startx -- :1 -nolisten tcp
> Please try that.

This has the exact same behavior as startx -- :1 or running wdm (I am
guessing you wanted me to run the full .xsession here and not just an
xterm as before). It locks up when no cable is plugged in and there is
no X already running (if X is already running on another display it
doesn't lock).

It shouldn't be something in .xsession thats locking since wdm also
locks and X locks right on startup before .xsession has a time to be run.

I tried another thing and just ran X alone (/usr/bin/X11/X), not through
startx. It also locks up on the network timeout. It seems that X the
culprit that's trying to resolve the hostname either when it shouldn't or
in a wrong manner (bypassing /etc/hosts).

> (This option is documented in Xserver(1x) if you want to chase my theory
> for yourself.  Also see /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc.)
> -- 
> G. Branden Robinson            |      Lowery's Law:
> Free Software Developer        |      If it jams -- force it.  If it
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |      breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
> http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |

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