On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Jonas Meurer wrote:

> is it required to be 'x strike force' member for uploading xlibs?

No but it is a good idea to:

a) coordinate
b) work together
c) read below

> maybe most recent suggestions about the future of X in debian should
> involve a discussion about the policy for X maintaince.

Apparently we did not send enough signals about this subject:

"Everybody is part of the XSF"

starting from our users to Branden and me as last.

What is not clear about this concept?

> as a consequence, current 'x strike force' should undergo a radical
> change, to disponse of any hierachy in this developing group.

Probably if you did not notice yet, the users are on top of everything.
They decide, some of them contributes directly, Branden and I prioritize
the work, review, test and commit. Upload as last.

Can you spot please what is wrong with it?

Remember that until now neither Branden or me have made any suggestion of
where Debian should go. We are only listening and talking with people.
How can you perceive this as a need to revert how things are working?

> all this assuming that it is required to be member for uploading parts
> of X, regardless what upstrem tree. but if policy is that way, maybe
> this question also needs to be discussed a second time.

Having only five or six people with SVN commit access does not mean that
others cannot contribute. If you feel that this is wrong, please explain
us why.


<user> fajita: step one
<fajita> Whatever the problem, step one is always to look in the error log.
<user> fajita: step two
<fajita> When in danger or in doubt, step two is to scream and shout.

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