Now , I don t have this problem :-)

I can t explain how , but now I don t have any problem.
I did theses changes:
- I upgraded my kernel to 2.6.7
- I added the module psmouse to /etc/modules
- I upgraded my configuration daily with APT
- I tried some options on the XF86Config-4 file


Selon Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> tag 259786 - moreinfo
> tag 259786 + help
> thanks
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 07:53:05AM +0200, Alexandre Touret wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Adding the module psouse into my /etc/modules doesn t solve my problem :-(
> > Then, I have an another pb, I cannot switch on another VC (with Ctrl Alt
> > Fn keys) but It s an other bug.
> >
> > But within, my problem, the behaviour and the scenario are the same each
> > time:
> >
> > 1) I switch on another *dm
> > 2) My system runs perfectly 2 or 3 times
> > 3) Xfree starts slowly (a black screen appear during few seconds), and
> > my mouse then my keyboard are blocking
> > 4) goto 1
> >
> > Thanks for your help
> Please ignore my previous message; I hadn't seen this followup at the time.
> I remain stumped by this problem.
> --
> G. Branden Robinson                |    My first priority in any attack is
> Debian GNU/Linux                   |    to solve the problem -- not issue a
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    press release.
> http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Steve McInerney

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