Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> # On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 02:46:18AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> # > severity 19538 wishlist
> # > retitle 19538 xterm: want program to not ignore SendEvents by default
> # > tag 19538 + upstream
> # > thanks
> severity 89887 wishlist
Bug#89887: xterm: ignores XSendEvent by default
Severity set to `wishlist'.

> retitle 89887 xterm: want program to not ignore SendEvents by default
Bug#89887: xterm: ignores XSendEvent by default
Changed Bug title.

> tag 89887 + upstream
Bug#89887: xterm: want program to not ignore SendEvents by default
Tags were: upstream
Tags added: upstream

> severity 19538 normal
Bug#19538: xterm: want program to not ignore SendEvents by default
Severity set to `normal'.

> retitle 19538 xterm: resize not handled by both primary and alternate screens
Bug#19538: xterm: want program to not ignore SendEvents by default
Changed Bug title.
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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