On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 02:18:09AM -0400, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 05:38:15AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > It's easy enough to see if xterm is producing the beep (though a quick
> > look through the source doesn't show me that it does).  Changing the
> > control/middle-mouse menu to use Visual Bell would modify this to a
> > flash if xterm is producing it, not if the library is doing it.
> Boy, am I dumb.  The answer is right in the man page:

well, the manpage is long (you're excused).
>      <BtnUp>:select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \\n\\
>    <BtnDown>:bell(0)
> I got thrown off because I had been trying to override this by binding
> <Btn6Down>, which as I discovered doesn't exist.  But the binding for
> <BtnDown> does catch "unknown" buttons.  Overriding this binding to
> ignore() fixes the beep as expected.
> I assume the idea was to use extra mouse buttons to copy the selection
> into a cut buffer, and the bell was just feedback that this had been
> done (maybe it was slow on old systems?).  Given that the common meaning

possibly - I see that in the X11R3 version, so it's very old.

Buttons 4 and 5 were inserted into the list without really changing the
other behavior (much).

> of buttons >3 seems to have changed over the years, perhaps those
> bindings should just be removed.  Or as a compromise, the bell could be
> removed, since I doubt that copying to CUT_BUFFER0 does any harm, and I
> doubt the feedback is critical for the three users of this feature.  :-)

that sounds reasonable (though I expect there's _someone_ using the feature).

Thomas E. Dickey

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