On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 10:12:08AM -0600, Billy Biggs wrote:
> > The best scenario would be if X + Desktop Environment picked up on the
> > actual DPI of the screen(s) and adjusted for that automatically.
>   I disagree.  If I hook my laptop up to a data projector, I do not want
> all of my fonts to shrink to nothingness.
>   I believe that:
>     - "Screen DPI" as a concept is really just a "scale factor" for user
>       interfaces and should almost never represent the literal meaning
>     - Many fonts design their hints for specific point sizes at specific
>       DPIs.  Using "99x98" DPI or "102x102" DPI, even if accurate, is
>       not productive.

Unless if you are working with graphics. If I want to evaluate the
proper rendering of a map I am working on (either in bitmap or in
vectorial mode), I pretty would like to check how my map compares to the
counters that are exactly 3/4" or 1/2" wide.

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