Package: xserver-xfree86
Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-8

just installed debian on a AJP M6000NE laptop, which appears to be
very similar to the ASUS M6N series, but it has a larger wide screen.

when configuring XFree86 with debconf, the screen size of the laptop
(1680x1050) isn't present in the list. when i add 1680x1050 to the
beginning of the generated Modes lines in XF86Config-4, it works fine.

is it possible to add 1680x1050 to the screen sizes available so that
users can use debconf  to manage such a configuration?

i think this is probably a minor/wishlist bug, and fairly trivial to
fix.  however, my debian skills are not at the level where i'd feel
confident of any fix i provided.  happy to test any fixes before



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