I asked for this some time ago in withlist bug #305540 but it was left
without effect. Maybe you guys where too busy with preperaing releasing
sarge then, and/or didn't want to introduce such changes just before
sarge release, but now in the post-sarge era maybe my plea will get some

Could Debian provide an XTerm be compiled with --enable-256-color passed
to ./configure?

ELinks http://elinks.or.cz/download.html is a great textmode
webbrowser, and now it supports 256 color mode, which looks really great
To try it, use my CVS debs from
deb http://ffii.org/~miernik/debian sid main

Or perhaps, because this inscreases the memory usage of xterm, if you
feel that the increase would be significant, and not useful for most
users, Debian could provide two versions of the xterm package, one like
it is now, and a second one for example xterm-256color?

The Debian packages of X are made in such a way, that you cannot compile
only one of them, you have to recompile the whole Xorg set, which is
huge download of sources and takes a really long time, so it's very
difficult for example for me to package xterm with 256 colors enabled
each time a new release of X is done by Debian, which happens quite

Miernik             _________________________  xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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