On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 07:21:53PM +1000, Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 10:49:18AM +0200, Miernik wrote:
> > Please don't tell me that 4 MB is "nothing" in the era of 200 GB hard
> > drives - people want tu use flash disks as the only filesystem also in
> > desktop computers, not just embedded (just because of their silentness,
> > nothing else), and/or put a copy of the whole filesystem in RAM for
> > speed, and then such a waste of diskpace matters. 
> If you care about that, then use either KDrive (without XKB/DRI/etc,
> naturally),

jaworz:~$ apt-cache search kdrive
libxcomposite1 - X off-screen compositing library
libxdamage1 - X region 'damage' library
jaworz:~$ apt-cache show libxcomposite1 | grep -A 20 Description
Description: X off-screen compositing library
 libXcomposite provides the client-side interface to the Composite extension,
 which allows off-screen redirection and drawing facilities for clients to
 modify the final look of the desktop.
 This requires server-side support, which was introduced in X.Org's X11R6.8,
 and is also present in most versions of freedesktop.org's 'KDrive' server
 (also known as 'xserver', or 'freedesktop.org X server').

jaworz:~$ apt-cache show libxdamage1 | grep -A 20 Description
Description: X region 'damage' library
 libXdamage provides the client-side interface to the DAMAGE extension,
 which allows for notification of changes to regions.
 This requires server-side support, which was introduced in X.Org's X11R6.8,
 and is also present in most versions of freedesktop.org's 'KDrive' server
 (also known as 'xserver', or 'freedesktop.org X server').


There is no KDrive package in Debian.

> the modular libX11 that lets you disable XKB and XCMS (which, IIRC, is
> about 1MB or more), and basically everything that isn't the standard
> X.Org distribution, much less the Debian packages thereof.

I don't understand much of this.

> Closing this bug because I don't think there's any merit in it, sorry.

In what precentage of systems do you think are the extra cursor themes
and pixmaps (which together take up 60% of this package installed size)
actually used?  5% ?  1% ?

In what precentage of systems do you think is the package xlibs-data
installed?  80% ?  95% ?

I estimate that in about 75% of systems where this package is installed,
the 60% of this package, the 4.3 MB of bitmaps, pixmaps and cursor data
are not used.

So how can you justify including that in a package that anything which
has something to do with X depends on? I don't think there is any merit
in that.

I am not angry that you don't want to fix this bug, because no developer
is obliged to do anything, it'd get done when someone sometime would
feel wanting to do this and supply a patch, maybe even me. But I am
angry that you closed the wish, a wish that wouldn't do anybody any
harm, the burden on packagers would be minimal, would save a
considerable amount of space (packages are beeing split for smaller or
similar space savings: bsdmainutils/bsdutils, gettext-base/gettext), and
you closed it by a one-person decision, even without a futher discussion
and/or waiting for other's opinion on debian-x or the BTS.

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