2005/8/22, Marc Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 11:55:14AM +0200, Paolo Pantaleo wrote:
> > 1) I think that the display mangaer should be choosen using
> > update-alternatives --confi x-display-manager
> > (btw: how is it made now?)
> The startup scripts for the various display managers pay attention to the
> contents of the file /etc/X11/default-display-manager
> > 2) I have gnome installed, but in
> > update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
> > gnome it is not displayed
> Gnome isn't a window manager, and has never been a window manager.
> > So i think that the update-alternatives method is not fully supported.
> You'd be wrong.
> > I think that * update-alternatives is a good facility
> It isn't, really.
> > * there should be a unified method for chosing window/desktop manager or
> > whatever, since it gives the users some chances to do things without much
> > pain, and make easy to document and learn how things works
> No, actually a user should never be messing with the alternatives system.
> Further, users don't need to know and shouldn't have to know how things
> work.
> > So, is update-alternatives the standard method? If not which is the
> > standard method?
> The standard method is to actually launch the environment you want.  Gdm
> provides session files for this purpose, as does KDM.  Xdm uses your
> ~/.xsession file.
> How do you expect a user to be changing the alternatives system?  They
> don't have the power to do so.
> --
>  Marc Wilson |     Once, adv.: Enough.  -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |     Dictionary"
I am not so sure that all you said is right... anyway i do not want to
lose time. Anyway you cold be a little more polite next time.


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