El Martes, 27 de Septiembre de 2005 17:16, Alfredo Lana escribió:
> Todas as estações de trabalho com a Sis VGA 964L, o modo gráfico não
> inicia, o mesmo informa que o Servidor X esta confirado incorretamente e
> informa que irá fechar o GDM.

        Dear Alfredo. debian-x is a list for developers of the X Window System 
Debian, and it is a list in English. If you have a problem with your X 
System, please either open a bug with the reportbug tool, or express yourself 
in English.

        Thank you very much,

En la noche de tu sangre los glóbulos son estrellas, cometas los hematíes y
planetas los átomos de hierro.
                -- La palmera transparente (Mario Satz)
Debian developer

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