Harald Dunkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the next reboot you might get /dev/input/event(n+1),

Write an udev rule for the device.

I'm using

| ACTION=="add", \
|   KERNEL=="event*", \
|   SUBSYSTEM=="input", \
|   SYSFS{manufacturer}=="Logitech", \
|   SYSFS{product}=="USB Receiver", \
|   NAME="input/mx1000"

for my MX1000.

You can get the necessary SYSFS values with udevinfo.  E.g. if you're
device is '/dev/input/event4' currently, then do
'udevinfo -a -p /class/input/event4'.
After adding your rule to udev's configuration you can test it with
'udevtest /class/input/event4'


Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown Java-Linux Team

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