How about a real-world human example by way of a use-case? In particular, me.

Just now, I wanted to install MediaWiki on a machine, and use the same
source for multiple virtual hosts (for easy administration & security
updates). Their recommendation of the easiest way to do this is to use
the "lndir" command (ref:
). So of course I typed "lndir" into a ssh session on the headless,
X-window-less, debian server that will host these sites:
ludo:~# lndir
bash: lndir: command not found

I was surprised - this machine has the standard coreutils and debian
utils installed, so I would have expected to have such a seeming
useful command available. So, I googled, and found this bug. On
finding that I have to "apt-get install xutils", I did so, but was a
bit surprised because I would have expected to have this program
included as part of the core or standard utils.

All the best,

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