On 16.03.06 23:10:47, Denis Barbier wrote:
> Of course I am not happy with the current situation, breaking XKB is
> no fun for users.
> If there is a note in /usr/share/doc/xkb-data/README.Debian about
> xorg 6.9, do you believe that this is enough to close this bug report?

Maybe you could add a postinst script that creates the symlinks. IIRC
the "old" README.Debian said that one should use the -xkbdir Option to
X11 to specify the xkb-data directory. This worked without a problem
here, so I wonder if you just need to create 2 symlinks in
/usr/share/X11/xkb-data for compiled and xkbcomp in a postinst script
if the xserver-xorg Version is <7.0 (or some such).

Then the README.Debian should point out both possibilities, i.e. using
-xkbdir and moving /etc/X11/xkb out of the way to make place for a

Just my 2ยข however.


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