On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 12:14:25PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:

> > If you move the files, dpkg may be unable to find them at package
> > uninstallation, resulting in orphaned files on the filesystem; or there may
> Not 100% correct. The problem of deinstallation is covered with the
> symlink workaround since dpkg AFAICS follows the symlinks in the path
> when removing a file.

Hmm, you're assuming that we don't, at some later date (post-etch), drop the
/usr/X11R6/bin compat symlink.  If one of these packages is removed *after*
that point, dpkg has no way to locate the binaries in order to remove them.

> It's only the other way round that does create headaches, future
> installations of third-party packages which may try to install files
> into X11R6/bin and may overwrite files from other packages. I thought
> a while about that and could not come up with any sane solution, not
> even hacking dpkg's .list files would help because of missing
> information. Only blacklisting this directory in dpkg would have been a
> "good" solution but it's too late for that.

Yes, that is the other side of the issue.

> > Forcing the user to deal with the conflict is the only safe way of handling
> > files left in /usr/X11R6/bin.  It should probably be turned into a debconf
> > note later on, but for the time being I think the current behavior is as
> > good as it's going to get.
> "safe" does not mean reliable or usefriendly.

As I'm using the word "safe", I do mean that it's reliable -- you reliably
get one of two results, a successful upgrade or a message telling you that
you need to reconcile by hand.

> I still think that the current lone "rmdir" hidden in the postinst is not
> sufficient. What we need is IMO a list of "dirty" files - files that have
> existed in Debian in X11R6/bin directory before and which would certainly
> be uninstalled by apt/dpkg during the upgrade. The debconf's config script
> should be executed during dpkg-preconfigure (NOTE: not in the middle of
> upgrade!), scan the existing /usr/X11R6/bin directory, substract the set
> of "dirty" files and if there are still remaining files in the list, then
> the user should be given a chance to abort the whole installation before
> it starts. And a list of remaining files should be printed. Maybe together
> with 3rd-party packages that those files may belong to.

> If you wish me to implement a such solution, please say "do it" and I
> will try to.

If you do compile a list of files that you believe came from packages, what
do you do with them if you find them still there when it's time to turn
/usr/X11R6/bin into a symlink?

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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