On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 05:41:28PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> So
>  before  /usr/{lib,include}/X11 -> /usr/X11R6/{lib,include}
>  after   /usr/{lib,include}/X11 <- /usr/X11R6/{lib,include}
> and
>  before  /usr/bin/X11 -> /usr/X11R6/bin (real dir)
>  after   /usr/bin/X11 -> ..    /usr/X11R6/bin -> /usr/bin (by some name)
> That's fine and there are ways of doing these things.
> Are there any other difficulties etc. ?

Only the sheer number of packages that ignored policy, FHS, etc, and
installed a bunch of crap into /usr/X11R6.  Some of them are external
(e.g. Opera).

A lot of people have hardcoded paths into /usr/X11R6.  Sucks.

> I'm not sure I understand why it is necessary to adjust old systems to
> conform to the new standard wrt {lib,include}.  Why can't they just be
> left with the symlinks pointing to where new systems have directories
> and vice versa ?

I dind't bother transitioning /usr/X11R6 for Ubuntu, I just left it

> /usr/bin/X11 is a bit tricky.  I think the right answer is to have
> some preinst move all of the binaries from /usr/bin/X11 to /usr/bin
> and then sort out the links but this should be done with care.  There
> should be no need for any Conflicts.

Happily mangling binaries from other packages?  Ugh.

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