El sábado, 19 de agosto de 2006 20:08, David Nusinow escribió:
> Sorry, I wasn't closely watching what you guys were doing upstream. Yes,
> upstream is pretty much planning on dropping the x suffix as far as I can
> see (Daniel or Michel may have noticed otherwise though). If so, you should
> probably send a patch.
> Do you want me to patch the hurd/BSD stuff in what we ship to also not have
> the x suffix?

        Hello, David.  Are you or upstream aware that some man pages overlap 
existing pages?  I remember doing something related in...le'mme see...yes, in 

    - Added DRIVER_MAN_SUFFIX=4x in order to ship mouse.man as mouse.4x (I
      *know* that it makes lintian shout).  I did this because otherwise it
       would conflict witn mouse.4 from manpages.

        Somebody will have to change its name...

        Best regards,

Yes I'm old. Old enough to remember when the MCP was just a chess program!
                -- Dumont (Tron).
Desarrollador de Debian
Debian developer

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