Hi Joey,

   First, sorry about the delays in replying. I still
don't have internet access in my new place so I have
to sneak time at work when I'm able. I also have to
use a crappy webmail account rather than a real mail
client for now unfortunately.

>>    I didn't realize that this was a pressing issue.
>> Since it worked for sarge, I figured that the
>> could remain until we can get a proper solution
in>> place.
> There have been large changes to the installer since

> sarge that broke the old solution.

Ok, that's fine. Just cut us a little slack please. I
realize you're frustrated, but the XSF didn't break
that functionality.

> All it takes is a refactoring of X's code, moving
> hardware detection and setup code from the config 
> script to the postinst.
> For example, a brutal and yet valid way to do it is 
> to change the postinst:
> #!/bin/sh
> . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
> . /usr/share/X/what-was-my-config-script || true
> ...
> his *will* work, because that's what debconf
> to doing if preconfiguration doesn't happen: the 
> postinst first runs the config script.

> There are of course cleaner approaches, like 
> integrating the config script into the postinst 
> script, that would be a bit more work, but work
> on the order of hours or days, not years.

Ok, this is vastly more productive than your last
mail.  Will tasksel still be able to ensure that
xresprobe and discover are installed prior to the
scripts being run in this case?

I'll try and make this change and test it locally over
the next few days, and make an upload when I'm more
able to be on top of my Debian work. Since most of my
focus for the weeks after 7.1 lands in unstable will
be on these scripts anyway, I'll probably end up doing
the cleaner solution in the long run. I'll let you
know when the fix is in and you can tell me if it's
sufficient for what you guys need.

 - David Nusinow

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