
On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 05:54:43PM -0400, José Parrella wrote:
> Please try this patch. I'm not a bash (nor debconf!) guru but I think
> that it address your concerns regarding the non-interactivity for the
> mouse device setting. Please let me know if the patch works for you.

Well, I would like to try it, but since I've changed my VGA-card
recently, I hit #375689 and thus went over to a fully self-managed

> Therefore I'm providing:
> 1) A full, NMU-ready, source package in [1]

Hm, I think (or better I strongly hope :)) the xorg-maintainers are
hardly working on the package-configuration thingies, so I personally
would not suggest to NMU currently.

> 3) A diff regarding the config.in, which you'll find attached

Is it possible that your diff is a reverse-diff?

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mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.  -- Dijkstra

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