On Mon, Oct  9, 2006 at 13:58:22 +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:

> [Please Cc me on replies, I'm not subscribed]
> Hi,
> what is the plan to continue with this package? AFAICS, there are two
> options:
> 1. The maintainers are happy enough with this code, and think that it
> qualifies the DFSG. In this case, the bug report should be
> closed/downgraded.
> 2. We move xserver-xorg-video-nv to non-free, and xserver-xorg-video-all
> to contrib (the source for a contrib package can still be in main).
3. move -video-nv to non-free, and remove the dependency from -video-all
(maybe add a Suggests instead).  This looks to me like the most
practical way to give users an upgrade path from the monolith (for users
of non-nvidia hardware, at least).  If this is chosen, something should
probably be added to the release notes to warn nv users.


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