Reply from the list archive, sorry if I break threading. I've subscribed
to debian-x now though...

David Nusinow:
> Sorry I took so long. I've been insanely busy with real life stuff lately.
> I don't know if you saw, but I made a few minor adjustments to the
> packaging to bring it in line with the current driver packages. Your work
> looked great though, so I've gone ahead and uploaded it to unstable. Now we
> just have to wait for it to get approved by ftpmaster, at which point it
> enters the archive and we don't have to worry about delays when we upload.
>    Let me know if you need anything else, and in case I didn't mention it
> before, welcome to the XSF!

Excellent stuff, thanks very much!


Ian Campbell

I fear explanations explanatory of things explained.

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